W2W Solutions Ltd has built its reputation on quality. We are committed to providing a quality consultancy and support service built on a solid foundation of experience, knowledge and understanding of the business sectors in which we operate. Our approach to quality reflects our company values. We are dedicated to:
- creating a culture of continuous improvement within W2W Solutions Ltd and the organisations with whom we work,
- keeping our knowledge and expertise up to date to ensure our approach remains current and relevant,
- providing reliable advice and guidance to our customers that they can have total confidence in,
- listening to our customers and focussing on their needs to deliver an individually tailored service,
- helping customers improve the service they provide to clients, partners, funders and all stakeholders,
- complying with recognised quality standards and promote best practice within the industry,
- providing a professional and exceptionally high standard of service that exceeds expectation,
- professional presentation and delivery of products and service, and
- continually improving and developing our own service and standards to meet the changing markets and demands of customers.
Underpinning this is the commitment to comply with the requirements of ISO9001 standards, and to continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System.
All employees* are expected to act in line with this policy and adhere to all company systems, to maintain the standards we are renowned for and to promote the company’s core values. Our employees are committed to serving our customers in a professional way and contributing to the continuous improvement of W2W Solutions Ltd and its customers.
The Director will monitor implementation of the Policy on an ongoing basis and take action to ensure they remain relevant and effective. This will be achieved through:
- monitoring of employee activity and products on an ongoing basis,
- moderation of written work and written advice and guidance to ensure consistency and high standards,
- seeking customer feedback on the quality of service provided through formal reviews,
- business review and development meetings,
- audit and management review of the Quality Management System.
The Director will formally review this Policy on an annual basis using feedback from staff and customers, as well as changes to legislation and best practice.