Policy - Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Policy

Policy Statement

Sustainability is defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Sustainable development must address environmental, economic, and social factors and the interrelationships between them.

W2W Solutions Ltd recognises that all organisations have a role to play in contributing to sustainable development. While the nature of our business is naturally low impact, we are committed to minimising our potential impact on the environment, supporting improvements within the communities in which we operate, and adhering to sustainable economic principles in our day to day operations.  

The management team have undertaken an assessment and have identified the key impacts of our business on sustainable development (click here).

In implementing this policy we will comply with relevant environmental legislation in particular the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive. We will also support the government’s sustainable development strategy, ‘Securing the Future’.  

We will strive to implement best practices in all we do by:
  • assessing the impact of our current and future operations, 
  • adopting a Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle approach to our purchasing, use and disposal of resources,
  • making sure our continuous improvement activities encompass sustainability,
  • reducing pollution, emissions and waste in our business activities,
  • reducing the use of raw materials, energy and supplies,
  • raising awareness, encouraging participation and training employees in sustainability, 
  • helping customers with their sustainable development practices. 


The Director of W2W Solutions Ltd is responsible for ensuring that this Policy and objectives are implemented and reviewed to ensure continuous improvement and progression.  

The Sustainability Manager is responsible for monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of the policy.

All employees, associate consultants and others who support us in delivering our service are expected to actively support this policy and are responsible for considering the aims and objectives of this Policy when conducting any business for the company.


The key objectives of the company relating to effective implementation of this policy are:

To use environmentally friendly forms of transport in the conduct of our business. Where practical and reasonable public transport choices are available, employees will endeavour to use these options rather than private transport. We will use teleconferencing facilities for meetings rather than meeting in a central location to minimise travel. We will monitor the level of expenditure on mileage and public transport to measure our effectiveness.

To keep use of paper to a minimum, and recycle paper where possible. Our main forms of internal and external communication will be telephone and email. Consultancy reports and other documents will be sent to customers electronically and we will encourage recipients not to print documents unnecessarily. Where paper is used we will recycle through local facilities or take waste to a proper recycling facility. We will monitor the level of expenditure on paper to measure our effectiveness.  

To purchase and use equipment and office supplies in a way that supports sustainability. Before any purchase we will consider whether the purchase is necessary. Where possible we will lease equipment rather than purchase it. Consideration will be given to energy efficiency and environmental impact when choosing equipment. We aim to use consumables from sustainable sources eg refillable ink cartridges, recycled paper etc, and from suppliers with a proactive approach to sustainability. We will also recycle used ink cartridges, waste paper and other consumables where possible. We will monitor the use of consumables to minimise waste and promote efficiency.

To provide on line training for staff rather than workshop style training. Where suitable and relevant training packages exist, we will access on line learning as our primary source of staff training. This will reduce the need for staff to travel, minimise paper based resources and provide a more environmentally friendly alternative to formal training. We will monitor our staff training and development records to measure our achievement.
To reduce the amount of energy and water we use. We will abide by all impact reduction steps outlined in our Impact Assessment.

The Sustainability Manager will review progress against these objectives on an annual basis, and consult with employees and customers to make sure standards are maintained and developed.


This policy will be readily available on our website for all customers, suppliers and other interested parties. This policy is referenced in our Terms & Conditions for all new consultancy and training agreements to further promote awareness.

Employees will be given an overview of this Policy as part of their induction to ensure they have a full understanding of their responsibilities and the standards expected. Employees will be given training in sustainability so that they:
  • understand the importance of the issues, 
  • can explain the reasons for, and effects of, these issues on our business, 
  • can identify how our actions impact on the environment and society, and 
  • highlight ways in which they can reduce the negative effects of their actions and make a positive difference. 

Employees will have access to up to date information, guidance, and other resources to support implementation of this Policy.  

W2W Solutions Ltd will work with customers to help them source appropriate training for their staff as part of our consultancy service.   

Monitoring & Review

The Sustainability Manager will monitor implementation of the Policy on an ongoing basis through peer review and discussion, financial monitoring, and customer feedback and will take action to make sure it remains relevant and effective, incorporating changes to legislation and accepted good practice. They will report on an annual basis to the management team on the effectiveness of the Policy. Employees and customers will be consulted on an annual basis to judge the success of the Policy and identify areas for improvement. 

The management team will review and update this Policy on an annual basis, or more frequently if the needs of the business dictate.

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